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Remove site title and tagline

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  • #13546

    I do not want the site title to appear under the logo/to the left of the navigation menu. However, if I leave those sections blank when customizing the from the “customize” menu, it also removes the site title from my WordPress settings. As a result, the browser tab just shows the URL rather than the name of the site.

    I tried just changing the font color to white so that the site name doesn’t show up which, even though I’d rather just have it removed completely. However, there is still a small gray border around that area, so now I’m stuck with this random box floating around on the page.

    Please let me know how I can hide the site name and tagline from the header without having it removed from the browser tab AND without leaving a random gray box on the header.


    Never mind. I just added the following to the CSS.

    #site-title, #site-description {
            visibility: hidden;

    Ok that’s great Ajones.

    Thank you!

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