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Service page template

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  • #13570

    I´ve just bought your template and installed it.
    I don´t anderstand how to manage the service template to have a icon and below text as you have in your demo site.
    Also how can i limit the number of caracteres in the text below icon, and redirect to the page with full description
    my test website is :


    Hi Bruno,
    Thanks for buying our theme. To have services installed as in our demo site here is the process.

    At first create a page from your dashboard -> pages (home)-> and select the page template as a business template. This template is only for the home page to display

    Now create over 8 pages and for this page don’t choose any page template. So that it will set to default template. Place title , description in your editor and featured image (upload icon)

    Then after doing this all you go to the dashboard -> appearance -> widgets -> and drag services widgets to business page section sidebar. Select the page you have just made for the services from drop down.

    To display your home page in front end you go to the dashboard -> setting -> select static page
    page:- (select home page from drop down)
    post :- default

    Then this will display your home pages as in our demo site.
    Yes you can limit the number of character in the text

    You go to the dashboard => appearance -> theme options -> advanced options -> excerpt options

    The default is 40 words. So you can display any character you want.

    Thank you!


    Thank you for your explanations.
    Other thing, how can I design one page with default template to have 3 o 4 columns for responsive , each with some images+ text+videos


    Hi Bruno,

    We only have the options to disable / enable the responsive layout. You can have it from dashboard -> appearance -> theme options -> layout options -> responsive layout

    From here you will be able to display it in responsive and in site view. For only the particular page we don’t have this feature. So you need code customisation or hire a developer to fix it.

    Thank you!

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