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Reply To: Getting rid of Theme by: Theme Horse Powered by: WordPress


Here is what I did after I failed in overruling the inc/structure/footer-extensions.php with my child theme (for whatever reason):

(1) Copy footer.php and footer-extensions.php to child theme folder

(2) Edit footer.php line 42ff.: require or include (doesn’t really matter) the extensions and rename the action:

<footer id="colophon" class="clearfix">
		      do_action( 'interface-child_footer' );

(3) Edit footer-extensions.php: rename all functions (to avoid “cannot redeclare” errors), make your adjustments and adjust all add_action statements to the new action name from above (‘interface-child_footer’) – my footer-extensions.php looks like this now (for sure some bits could be deleted and finetuned, but this seems to work for the time being):

 * Adds footer structures.
 * @package 		Theme Horse
 * @subpackage 		Interface
 * @since 			Interface 1.0
 * @license GPL v2.0 (or later)
 * @link

global $interface_theme_setting_value;
		$options = $interface_theme_setting_value;
add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_footer_widget_area', 5 );
 * Displays the footer widgets
function interface_child_footer_widget_area() {
	get_sidebar( 'footer' );
if ((1 != $options['disable_bottom']) && (!empty($options['social_phone'] ) || !empty($options['social_email'] ) || !empty($options['social_location']))) {
add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_footer_infoblog', 10 );
 * Opens the footer infobox
add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_footer_div_close', 15 );
 * Close the previous div.
function interface_child_footer_div_close() {
	echo '</div> <!-- .container -->
	</div> <!-- .info-bar -->';
add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_open_sitegenerator_div', 20 );
 * Opens the site generator div.
function interface_child_open_sitegenerator_div() {
	echo '
	<div id="site-generator">
				<div class="container clearfix">';
add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_socialnetworks', 25 );
add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_footer_info', 30 );
 * function to show the footer info, copyright information
function interface_child_footer_info() {         
   $output = '<div class="copyright">'.__( 'Copyright &copy;', 'interface' ).' '.'[the-year] [site-link]'.'<br>'.__( 'Theme by:', 'interface' ).' '.'[th-link]'.'</div><!-- .copyright -->';
   echo do_shortcode( $output );
add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_close_sitegenerator_div', 35 );
 * Close the sitegenerator div.
function interface_child_close_sitegenerator_div() {
echo '</div><!-- .container -->	
			</div><!-- #site-generator -->';
add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_backtotop_html', 40 );
 * Shows the back to top icon to go to top.
function interface_child_backtotop_html() {
	echo '<div class="back-to-top"><a href="#branding">'.__( ' ', 'interface' ).'</a></div>';