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Reply To: Footer Sidebar


Hi Rabin,

I hope you can help me.

Same topic: I have changed the following, but i’m not getting the ‘Footer – Column4’ in the admin area.

In the interface_widgets.php i have added the following:

// Registering footer sidebar 4
	register_sidebar( array(
		'name' 				=> __( 'Footer - Column4', 'interface' ),
		'id' 					=> 'interface_footer_column4',
		'description'   	=> __( 'Shows widgets at footer Column 4.', 'interface' ),
		'before_widget' 	=> '<aside id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
		'after_widget'  	=> '</aside>',
		'before_title'  	=> '<h1 class="widget-title">',
		'after_title'   	=> '</h1>'
	) );

In the sidebar-extensions.php i have added the following:

|| is_active_sidebar( 'interface_footer_column4' ) ) {

<div class="one-fourth">
						// Calling the footer column 4 sidebar
						if ( is_active_sidebar( 'interface_footer_column4' ) ) :
						dynamic_sidebar( 'interface_footer_column4' );
      <!-- .one-fourth -->

In the interface.pot i have added the following:

#: inc/widgets/interface_widgets.php:113
msgid "Footer - Column4"
msgstr ""

#: inc/widgets/interface_widgets.php:115
msgid "Shows widgets at footer Column 4."
msgstr ""

What do i need for it to work?

Thank you in advance for your help.