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Reply To: How to add an additional div in the header?


Okay, thanks.

I had the priority wrong on my unhook function….

And… I was hoping there was a simpler way than adding and hooking the 800+ lines of code from interface_headercontent_details() into my functions.php.

Here’s the unhook:

`//Remove the original headercontenct_details

function remove_interface_header_details() {
remove_action( ‘interface_header’, ‘interface_headercontent_details’, 10 );
add_action(‘interface_header’,’remove_interface_header_details’ , 9 );

//here’s the custom hook
add_action( ‘interface_header’, ‘my_interface_headercontent_details’, 10 );
function my_interface_headercontent_details() { THE FUNCTION GOES HERE }’