Hi scott foster,
I think you have used before some other WordPress theme/ site, So that the hacker is trying to access your dashboard but your site is not hacked still. You have not cleaned the database and files. If this is our theme issues then we already get notified because millions of users are using this theme. Before our theme goes to live it is checked by wordpress.org reviewer team.
Paste this url from header logo image
and paste this
then your image will be loaded. If you could not get your image access then there may be still issue in your site.
You must download your database from you Cpanel. After backuping your database and themes folder you may simply delete the old wordpress and reinstall the fresh/ latest version of wordpress and install the backuped theme.
Install this plugins for more security too
https://wordpress.org/plugins/better-wp-security/ or
There are many other security plugins to protect from malware.
Thank you!