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insert social share buttons in footer 2

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  • #24213

    Hello. I want to insert share social icons in footer2 but when I’m trying to insert the icons it insert tjhe icons vertically. I want to insert it horizontally so I put it in the right side oof the footer2.

    My website is:



    Hi Aparicio,

    Please insert it into the footer2 and let us know we will check once and provide you a custom css to display it horizontally.

    Thank you!


    I put a computer image with comp parts. I want this Image to the right. I use the float in the class. This is an Image widget.



    I found a plugin named custom widget class and I want to put the 3 images not social icons (sorry) in a CSS Class so the 4 images float. I search in the web and the css class is: img {
    float: right;

    But when I apply to the images nothing happens. I’m already insert the images. Waiting for the support. Thanks.


    I’m Already have a testimonial widget at the left and I want to put 3 aditional images but at the right of the testimonials. The images are already in the footer1 below the testimonial because i cant move it to the right.


    Sorry we are confuse what you are trying to say? Could you please clarify it once again.

    Thank you!


    OK. theme horse have footer1, footer2 and footer3 in the options. I select them footer1 and in this footer I include de Testimonials widget. this widget name is testimonials theme horse widget or something like this.

    The testimonials is align at the left by default, but at the right I want to insert 3 images but when I insert the images, they display vertical no horizontal.

    I want that they display horizontaly and the images at the right of the testimonial widget, not below it.



    Please insert the 3 images in your site and let us know So, that we can provide you the exact CSS code?

    Thank you!


    Ok. I’m already insert the images. I’m waiting for your support with the css code.


    Hi Aparicio,

    We have just visited you site and it seems that you have placed all the widget including testimonial in footer column 1.
    What you can do is? Just placed one of your image widget in footer column 2 and placed next one in footer column 3 and you will have you image as horizontally but sorry you can not put three image widget horizontally. It need code customization you have to hire a developer.

    Thank you!


    ok perfect. Another question where can I find the spanish file so I can upload it a change the language to spanish.


    For example the leave a reply words.


    Hi Aparicio,

    To change your language in your spanish language first of all you need to create a .po and .mo file and after creating .po and .mo file you need to add your language file inside language folder. So create a child theme and then only update your .po and .mo file inside language folder so that while updating to our new version you language file will not be lost.

    Thank you!

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