I was trying one of the widgets when I messed up my site layout. The text in the home page is in the left hand side instead being a bit up to the center (ref.: http://www.bulgarianplates.com). In the meantime my other page http://www.bulgarianplates.com/bulgariancompanies is in the center.
1. How can I move the text in the home page a little bit to the right side, I do not want it be in the center but slightly in right.
2. How can I make the http://www.bulgarianplates.com/bulgariancompanies same as the home page.
3. Is there any way I can make the Layout content even more narrowed? Before I messed up my layout it seemed that the content layout was more narrowed than the page title line above.
4. How to remove the search toggle?
Your help will be greatly appreaciated.