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(Deliberately) unclickable parent menu items are clickable on mobile

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  • #25960

    I have a couple of menus that have drop down sub menus where I have set the parent menu item up to be unclickable by leaving the URL blank in the custom menu item panel. This works fine on my laptop but on my phone the parent item is clickable and takes your to a 404 page.

    The only workaround I’ve found is to put a # in the URL field of the custom menu item panel – now when you click on the parent menu item (on either platform) it just reloads the current page. This isn’t ideal though as it feels to the user like an error of some kind has occurred. Ideally I’d like the parent menu item to not appear to be clickable at all on either platform.

    Any ideas?



    Hi Lisapieca,

    The menu will change automatically into select, option tag. So, you have to put # in the URL field to avoid showing 404 page error.

    Thank you!


    Ah, ok, so there isn’t anyway to make them ‘unclickable’ across both platforms then.




    Hi lisapieca,

    We don’t think that there is any other way to make it unclickable. If we find any solution regarding to it then we will let you know.

    Thank you!

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