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Images not loading

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  • #26871

    Hello, I recently switched to the Attitude theme and I love it! My only issue is that the last two weeks I have had different images not load on different posts. I have called my family and had several of them see if images load for them, however it is never the same images that don’t load, it is never consistent. I have tried uninstalling just about everything and reinstalling, cleared all cache, and I have had no luck. I would really appreciate it if you could help me out.




    Hi kirst187,

    I just visited to you site and its working fine. Just view this screenshot.

    Are you talking something other than it.

    Thank you!


    Thanks for looking. Yes, actually the images that don’t load are the ones that are on each individual post, so you must click keep reading. The Navajo taco post has two that are not loading, it just has a box with the image name. If you click from the recipe menu and go to the refried beans in side dishes, that is one that is consistently not loading, but its always different images that don’t load on that post.



    Hi kirst187,
    Just visited to your site and clicked on read more too. And yes there is image displayed. View this screenshot.

    Thank you!


    Like I mentioned before it is never consistent. If I click on the re-fried beans there are several that are not loading. Also the Berry bread. Could you take a look at a few of the posts I mentioned and see what I am talking about?


    hi kirst187,

    Yes now i saw that the image is not loaded properly. This may be caused while updating to WordPress that it is not properly updated. So i recommended you to upload all the images again. So that after uploading all images it must work fine. If there is again the same issue then let us know.

    Thank you!


    I have uploaded all the images again twice, and there is no change.


    Hi kirst187,

    i just visited to your site and yes its working fine there. Just view this below screenshot. and

    Could you once clear all the cache of your browser and check it. Due to caching it might be the problem too.

    Thank you!

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