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Reply To: Centering Service Widget Icons


Hi jen.lynn.owen,

We have designed our theme this way. It needs code customization or hire a developer to fix it.
Go to theme folder -> inc -> widgets-> interface_widgets.php on line no 200 to 301. You need to edit over there. On line no 261 to 274 you will find below code. Remove this below code

$j = 1;
	while( $get_featured_pages->have_posts() ):$get_featured_pages->the_post();
	$page_title = get_the_title();
	if( $j % 4 == 3 && $j > 1 ) {
		$service_class = "one-fourth clearfix-half";
	elseif ( $j % 4 == 1 && $j > 1 ) {
		$service_class = "one-fourth clearfix-half clearfix-fourth";
	else {
		$service_class = "one-fourth";

and Paste this below code

$j = 1;
	while( $get_featured_pages->have_posts() ):$get_featured_pages->the_post();
	$page_title = get_the_title();
	if( $j % 2 == 1 && $j > 1 ) {
		$service_class = "one-third clearfix-half";
	elseif ( $j % 3 == 1 && $j > 1 ) {
		$service_class = "one-third clearfix-third";
	else {
		$service_class = "one-third";

Note: Instead of one-fourth you need to use one-third.

Hope this may help you!
Thank you!