@sanjipshah Child theme is extremely easy to make. I have made the changes you suggested and copied content inside the attitude_headerdetails function of parent theme, pasted it in the attitude_child_headerdetails. In fact, I have even reverted to a version without any customizations. As soon as one removes the parent function attached to the attitude_header hook, the controls in the Theme Options section of the WordPress dashboard no longer work. Please try this yourself, and let me know if the controls work for you:
1 Create a child theme.
2 Copy all the content inside the attitude_headerdetails function of parent theme, paste it in the attitude_child_headerdetails in child theme’s functions.php. DO NOT make any customizations. Unhook parent’s attitude_headerdetails and add attitude_child_headerdetails.
3 Go to WordPress dashboard’s Theme Options section and change something, then try to save it. You will get error message similar to the one I had previously described.
Now that you have seen this yourself, I’ll ask again. Is it possible to continue to use dashboard controls even after unhooking the Attitude theme’s attitude_headerdetails() function and replacing it with my own attitude_child_headerdetails() funtion? If so, how? I would prefer not to debug your code for you.