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Reply To: Arial fonts in atittude pro theme


Hi Rahul,

If there is space in font- family then it will not work. So you need to create a child theme. You can create a child theme simply.
Create a folder name attitude-child inside theme folder. Create style.css file under attitude-child folder.
add below code

Theme Name: Attitude Pro Child Theme
Author: Self-Help WordPress User
Template: attitude

@import url("../attitude-pro/style.css");

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, #site-title, .slogan-wrap, .featured-text .featured-title, .entry-title, .widget_promotional_bar {
	font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif;

Then it will work. If you like confusion then you can directly add this above css inside custom css.

3> No your settings will not be changed if you create a child theme.

4> Regarding to revolution slider. We have removed from theme pack, You can either buy a revolution slider from themeforest or once contact to our sales team at [email protected]. Hope they may help you. Place your order number and your name and ask for it.

5> This feature is not available so it needs code customization and need to change the image so better hire a developer to fix it using the child theme.

6> Are you talking about image? The image is from slider. The above Url you have provided is Using only one slider. You may view theme instruction how to set slider.

7> Could you provide your site Url and specify it more clearly what you exactly trying to say?

While posting topic in forum please create a multiple topic. Please don’t ask all question on the same forum topic.
Thank you!