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Creating a custom post template


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  • #39664


    I would like to handle two (or several) post types and related templates : one for standard content, like news and blog posts, and another one more structured with custom fields for classified ads.
    The way to handle this with attitude pro isn’t clear for me : is there an easy way to create another post template ?

    I tried to create a alternate.php post template aiming at a new section in content-extension.php but haven’t succeeded. Is is the easiest path to do so ?

    Thanks for your help !


    Hi Florent,

    We cannot help you creating custom post type template. It needs lots of code customization. For this you need to hire a developer. Before making any changes in the code first of all create a child theme and then customize the code. So that while updating to new version your customized code will not be lost. If you are good at coding then you can visit this link how to create custom post type.

    Thank you!


    Hi and thank you for the links.
    But – as I have done in the passed or as I can read through the documentation you sent – I normally do it buy copy / pasting a single.php and/or an archive.php .
    Here the structure is different.
    I bought the premium to handle these -if it’s not possible, could you refund please ?

    Thank you very much


    OK problem is solved



    Great! 🙂

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