I want to control the space on the very top of the site (navbar-head) look more beautiful or delete it from the page in a child theme. You could help me achieve this by answering some of the questions
1. Where is the standard option where I can upload a photo to be used in navbar head(the region above the top nav).
2. What file can I find the <div class=”navbar-head”> so I can comment that part out or something
You can easily find that section in header.php file. However, if you just need to hide it then just paste the below custom CSS code in Addition CSS section.
If you have any problem do not hesitate to contact us.
We have spend lots of time and efforts to develop this theme available free for all.
Could you also please help us rating this theme in WordPress Repository. https://wordpress.org/support/theme/newscard/reviews/?filter=5
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