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Blog Post Page Error

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  • #6438

    I set a page other than my home page as the page to host my blog posts. When I view the page under the “Edit Page” option, I am able to see the excerpted blog post with the “Read More” button, which is the way I set it up. But when I otherwise click on the menu link to that page, I receive the error: Error 404-Page NOT Found. I tried other themes to see whether the theme is the problem, and I note that this error only occurs with the the Attitude Theme (both the premium and the free one). Note that I am using the “Blog Image Medium” template on my blog post page. Here’s a link to the blog post page with error: Please provide me with a fix. Thanks.

    Sanjip Shah

    @Victoria In the dashboard, go to Settings->Permalinks. Click on ‘Save Changes’ and see if this solves the issue. Also make sure there is a page with id ’20’.


    Thanks for your response Sanjip. It turns out there is no page with an id of “20”, despite the error link. (The page where I want my posts to show has the permalink: I don’t know how to reconcile. Further help would be appreciated. Thanks!


    Nevermind. I figured it out; I had to permanently delete the other pages I had previously created for the same purpose. Once they were gone it fixed the problem. Thanks for your help.

    Sanjip Shah

    @Victoria Okay. Great.

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