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Graphic Banner Slider: Pix do not adjust to Cell Phone Display


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  • #65281
    Jack Wilkins

    Mag Pro Theme is functional on cell phone, in all cases known so far, except for the image in the Slider. Display is fine in larger monitors. I do not find instructions for this adaptability feature. How is it done?


    Hi @jackwilkins,

    We have coded the slider in a responsive way. The slider images are in a covered position so that it gets fit on every devices. Images cannot be set in a fixed ratio because for the larger screens the slider is in horizontal dimension where as for the smaller screens the slider is in vertical dimension. Even the height of slider gets slightly changes in every devices according to the ratio of its screen sizes and if the slider is made horizontal dimension even in the smaller screen then the content of every slider will be overflowed and the design of site will get messed up.


    Jack Wilkins

    I created new pix at 512 each side, and it worked fine. Also, a note that the email form is not functional to use.


    Hello @jackwilkins,

    Great that it worked
    Which email form you are talking about?

    Thank you!

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