OK thanks. I will try disabling plugins.
NOTE: The error is NOT with the Video Conferencing with Zoom plugin by Deepen Bajracharya, it is the elearningevolve.com WordPress Zoom Plugin by Adeel Raza. Have you tried installing and enabling this plugin with Attitude Free 4.01?
The reason I think it is the theme is because I tried other themes and they all worked with the Zoom Integration plugin only the Attitude Theme failed. Also only the Attitude theme changed the view from desktop to mobile when the elearningevolve zoom integration plugin was used, all other themes kept the desktop view
NOTE: The Video Conferencing with Zoom Plugin by Deepen Bajracharya works as well on all themes.
Let me know if you would like me to re-enable the elearningevolve.com WordPress Zoom Integration plugin on my website and I will send you the link.