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Link not sSharing to Facebook and Social Media

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  • #90041
    Tourist Xperience

    Hi there,

    I tried sharing the story on my site story to Facebook by pasting the link which should automatically show the featured image of the story and make it accessible when clicked on but it only shows the site name only

    The story link is not appearing on Facebook. I tried the debugging method but still the same thing.

    Can you assist pls? Thanks

    Tourist Xperience

    Can someone respond pls? This is more than 6 days. I am not using a free theme. I paid for it and would expect a response from support



    Sorry for the late response, Our Support Team might have missed your topic.

    to achieve that you have to use the SEO plugin where you can get lot of features related to SEO ranking. You can set Title, description and Featured Image for each specific post.
    We recommend you to use Yoast Plugin


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