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Linking page to category

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  • #94425
    M Srinivas

    Just bought the pro theme. A few questions:

    1. How do I link a newly created page to a set of categories and display posts of those categories on that page with pagination enabled?
    Example – I have two categories called Thriller Reading and Non-Fiction and there are posts in each of them. Then I create a page called “Interested Reading”. On this page, I want to put a small intro paragraph and then display the posts of the two categories with their images, etc. Similar to displaying blog posts.

    2. On the home page, when I associate editor picks to a category, how do I ensure when I click on the label it can be take me to a page which displays posts. Essentially, when I click on editor picks, I want it to go the page in #1 “Interested Reading”

    Much appreciate your help.

    M Srinivas

    I was able to resolve #1. Can you help resolve #2? How do I link the Widget Title to a particular page?


    Hi M Srinivas,

    Sorry for the late response due to some unavoidable circumstances.

    Its great that you resolved the first query by your self and for second query the link is set to the category page which you have set to show on that section, so the redirect link cannot be updated. You really need to the customize the Theme code for it. Otherwise you have to create a new category where you can reassign those desired posts on it so that the title will redirect to the respective new category archive page.


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