February 22, 2022 at 7:03 pm
Theme Horse Support Team
Hi admin-5103,
Thanks for sharing the information about your Location. It sounds really great.
Ok, to add the live time ticker with the additional text. Please go to Theme Directory > header.php
file on line: 41
, you will find below line of code.
<ul><li class="date"><?php echo esc_html(date_i18n("l, F j, Y")); ?></li></ul>
Simply replace the mentioned code with the below Custom Code.
<ul><li class="date"><?php echo esc_html('The time in Scheveningen is '); echo esc_html(date('g i: A')); echo esc_html(date_i18n("l, F j, Y")); ?></li></ul>
NOTE: Please make sure you make the child theme first before customizing the Theme code so that you won’t loose the customized code when updating theme to the newer Version in future.