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Search Results for 'activate pro'

Viewing 15 results - 31 through 45 (of 323 total)
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  • #79864

    Hi there,

    First thank you for choosing our theme.

    In the bundle pack you will get all the premium themes that we have. You can use one theme at a time into your site. Choose any one theme from the bundle pack and activate it into your site as you did same for other themes.
    If you have any problem do not hesitate to contact us.

    Thank you!


    Hi Platitapami,

    It’s a weird problem. We have checked and it’s working fine. Can you please deactivate all the plugins one by one and check, there may be some plugin conflict also.

    Thank you!


    Hi, thank you for your responses. I deactivated all plugins. Had previously tried this, but left elementor and elementor pro activated as I assumed they would be okay. Sticky effect not there with elementor activated, but is there with elementor pro activated. So there appears to be a conflict between elementor pro and newscoat. Is newscoat supposed to work with elementor pro? Is there an elementor pro setting that may be causing this issue, that I can adjust? Cheers.

    ok if you don’t want to customize the code then you can find various plugins about social sharing on WordPress respo. You can activate any one as you like and you can follow the instructions provided by those plugins.

    To use the plugin go to ‘Dashboard > Plugins > Add New’ then you can search the plugins as you desired to use in the Theme.



    Hi Roman,

    Just you need to activate the plugin WP PageNavi and go to Settings > PageNavi and choose No to Use pagenavi-css.css under Page Navigation Option so that you will get those nav design rather than standard one.
    If you have any problem please let us know.

    Thank you!

    Hi there,

    Apologies for the late reply.
    We have downloaded the plugin and activate into our local environment and it needs zoom API Key and API Secret Key.
    So could you please provide us the login credential to your exact site where you have activate this plugin so that we can investigate those problem.
    Also the mobile view issue is from the same WP error page and this is nothing to do with the theme. Once we fix those error issue the view problem will be automatically solve.
    You can send your login credential here Do not share any login credential here in this forum as this forum is public and visible to all.

    Thank you!


    Hi Yagiz,

    It seems like you have cancelled your subscription so your are not getting access to download file. We have managed to reactivate your subscription with a new order from your account and now you will be able to get the access to your purchased product.
    Next time please do not cancelled your subscription. Also we have replied you via email as well.

    Thank you!


    In reply to: Going from free to pro

    Yes all your posts and pages are always safe but the settings of widgets and customizer only will be set as default. So you have to set up or migrate each and every settings of widgets and customizer only. You can migrate it easily via these two plugins.
    Customizer Import/Export and Widget Import/Export Plugin
    First activate the free version theme and upload/activate above plugins and you will find Export/Import option at the bottom of the Appearance > Customizer for Customizer’s data and settings and for Widget’s settings and data just go to Tools and you will find Widget Importer & Exporter option. Just export both settings then activate the pro theme and import it via under same option.

    If you can not import just let us know and we will help you to import those data and settings to a pro theme.

    Thank you!


    Hello ThemeHorse,

    I would like to alter a couple of things so I need to create a child theme – I created for my current site a child-theme too so I’m familiar with it, but somehow I seems to be missing something creating one for newscard pro.

    According to the WordPress codex I should enqueue the parent stylesheet but when I do that the site looks terrible
    Here is part of my functions.php

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_parent_styles' );
    function enqueue_parent_styles() {
    	$parent_style = 'newscard-style'; 
        wp_enqueue_style( $parent_style, get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );
        wp_enqueue_style( 'newscard-child-style',
            get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css',
            array( $parent_style ),

    Here is my styles.css

    Theme Name: NewsCard Pro Child
    Theme URI:
    Description: Child theme for NewsCard Pro.
    Author: sjoerd at
    Author URI:
    Template: newscard-pro
    Version: 1.0
    .rl-gallery-link img,
    .wp-caption img {
    	background-color: #eee;
    	border: 1px solid #ccc;
    	padding: 4px;

    I can activate the child theme perfectly and the two style.css files are in the html output:

    link rel='stylesheet' id='newscard-style-css'  href='' type='text/css' media='all'
    link rel='stylesheet' id='newscard-child-style-css'  href='' type='text/css' media='all'

    If I use the old methode using @import then is works but wordpress does not advice it

    Please advice or provide me (us) a working set.



    Hi Baptiste,

    Yes you have to set up or migrate each and every settings of widgets and customizer only and you can migrate it easily via these two plugins.
    Customizer Import/Export Widget Import/Export Plugin
    First activate the free version theme and upload/activate above plugins and you will find Export/Import option at the bottom of the Appearance > Customizer for Customizer’s data and settings and for Widget’s settings and data just go to Tools and you will find Widget Importer & Exporter option. Just export both settings then activate the pro theme and import it via under same option.

    If you can not import just let us know and we will help you to import those data and settings to a pro theme.

    Thank you!


    Hi, since a pair of days the theme doesn’t work anymore on small screens. Below the 782 pixel, scroll is deactivated (even on desktop), like if the page was an image the height of the screen. I didn’t install new plugins or else, I’ve just let WordPress do its updates.
    Is there anything I can do? Even disabling the “small screen mode” would be ok.

    You can try here:

    (I’m using a child theme but I tried to use Foliopress and the problem is still there)



    Hi Axel,

    First download the theme to your PC from our account.
    You can update the theme manually via FTP or just activate this plugin and follow the instructions below:

    1. Go to Appearance > Themes.
    2. Click on the ADD NEW button.
    3. Click on the UPLOAD THEME button.
    4. Click BROWSE and choose the zip file that you have downloaded from your account via our site.
    5. Click the INSTALL NOW button.

    If you have any problems, please let us know.

    Thank you!


    1.I noticed one of the post is covering the adsense ad in Mobile view in Popular Post Section. Will this affect my Adsense account?
    2.I’ve not edited theme, I only used customize>>colors section from theme customization and I’ve changed it too default also, still no appearance of title text in footer. -> But Texts appeared now after disabling Autoptimize plugin and disappeared when activated Autoptimize again.
    3.I’ve only used three links which are of fb, twitter and instagram. Rest “two invalid links” are self created by theme.
    Yes, the drop down menu worked after deactivating Autoptimize plugin. Can you suggest any specific option that should I disable in Autoptimize plugin so theme can work properly?
    Breadcrumb will affect my search appearance, if there is any code option to disable breadcrumb from customize>>additional CSS in theme or by editing theme? Or will it get solved if I use Breadcrumb option from Yoast plugin?
    But now bigger issue is the Ad that is covered by the box-type post, any solution?


    @sharki-web-slunif-b76271691, As of your screenshot there is no NewsCard Pro theme into your download list. We have checked the product downloadable list and there is NewsCard Pro V.1.1.6 already exist. We have report this problem to the developer and we will let you know what is the main problem.

    Thank you for your patience.

    , WordPress won’t allow to upload the same theme that is already exist into your themes list.
    If you want to update to the new version without deleting the previous version of the theme just activate this plugin and follow the instruction below:

    1. Go to Appearance > Themes.
    2. Click on the ADD NEW button.
    3. Click on the UPLOAD THEME button.
    4. Click BROWSE and choose the zip file that you have downloaded from your account via our site.
    5. Click the INSTALL NOW button.

    Thank you!


    Following this post:
    “ Hi Barry,
    Apologies for the late reply. We missed your topic.
    To use the Revolution Slider as a slider into your site. First you have to activate the Revolution Slider plugin and need to create a slider via revolution slider.
    Thank you!”

    Can you please show me how to activete the revolution slider on my theme: WP Portfolio pro. My idea is to create individual pages with a slider as the one on the demo. Same arrows, same look and feel,
    Thank you

Viewing 15 results - 31 through 45 (of 323 total)