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Search Results for 'activate pro'

Viewing 15 results - 46 through 60 (of 323 total)
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  • hepburn

    Hi there,
    We recently updated the Attitude Pro theme to 3.0.7.
    Now the mobile menu no longer appears.
    Luckily we made a copy of the site before updating. When I compare the new site to the old site, I notice that tinynav.js is no longer being loaded. Could this be the problem?
    I’ve de-activated all plugins and the problem still happens.
    Please advise on how to fix this.
    Here’s the new site…


    we need a solution for this problem because we are having many issue in search console and is urgent
    eache site with themehorse template, with or without breadcrumbs, have thisp roblem since september
    also, and others.
    is no a problem on how to activate breadcrumbs
    it seems a problem in schema markup

    if you need access to one site for investigate write me in private but plese to urgent because this problem create problem with ranking.



    Hi, I have a problem with the pagination on the home side. When I imported demo data I deactivated all plugins. The pagination shows only an empty white box and has no interaction.

    I’m using WordPress 4.8.11, is that a problem?

    Can’t send you a URL because my site is still localhost.

    When importing the demo, it shows these errors to me…

    This is what main stories look like:

    In Appearance > Customize > Banner, slider is not hidden.

    Thank you, the theme is wonderful and I hope to be a NewsCard PRO user soon!


    Hey Theme Horse,

    OK I’ve purchased Ambition Pro and activated it. I’m still having trouble finding the font size and color for the main site tagline. It’s stuck at a small size and it’s very grey. I looked at the font settings and I don’t see any settings for the tagline. I’d just like to darken it up a bit.

    Am I missing something in the pro options?

    Thank you!


    Hello @jake-3565,

    It’s very simple to upgrade to premium version.
    Just download the Ambition Pro zip file from your account via our site and upload it to your WP site themes directory as you did for other themes and activate it.

    And for Tagline font size and color just go to your admin dashboard and go to Appearance > Customize > Ambition Theme Options there you can see the option for font size as well as font color.

    Thank you!


    Hi @carl-earley52,

    We found some element are added after the footer and the height of those element have affected the height of sidebar for sticky script.

    you have to deactivate the plugin that is used after footer or you can off the sticky sidebar script through custom css code.

    But for now we have provided you a custom css code to hide the disturbing element height just after the footer. please go to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and paste the below custom css code.

    .site + svg {
        display: none;

    Please Let us know if the code doesn’t work for you



    Hi all,

    I was playing around with your theme and could tackle everything with the Customizer settings so far.

    Now I have come to the limits of my CSS skills and can’t seem to get an idea about the following problem:

    I have activated logo and site title/description in customizer.
    They now show underneath each other (the logo is on top the the title.

    Now, in my case, it would look much better with the text being to the right of the logo.
    Do you have any tips on how to achieve this?

    I already tried adding a div with a CSS to the header.php – which only worked on the home page and messed with the display of the other pages a bit.
    Now I am out of ideas and would appreciate if someone here has a tip for me.



    In reply to: General settings

    Hello @hansv-jensen

    Did you paste the previous css code that we provided? It has a code that will only hide the date in top?

    To make wide in top (info bar) and remove the buttons that are to the right of the post title please paste below CSS code into your child theme.

    .info-bar .container {
    	max-width: 100%;
    	padding-left: 15px;
    	padding-right: 15px;
    @media (max-width: 991px) {
    	.info-bar.infobar-links-on .container {
    		padding-right: 58px;
    	.info-bar .infobar-links .infobar-links-menu-toggle {
    		right: 15px;
    .page-header .page-title {
    	overflow: inherit;	
    .page-header .page-title:before,
    .page-header .page-title:after {
    	display: table;
    	content: "";
    .page-header .page-title:after {
    	clear: both;

    And for breadcrumb it is not possible to remove the link, for that you need to activate some breadcrumb plugins and hide the main breadcrumb from the theme option.

    Thank you!

    Apple Pie

    Hi there,
    I’ve purchased the mag pro in the bundle theme. I have uploaded it and activated it. BUt it doesn’t show up like your demo. Also in the customize section it still show mag pro – upgrade to pro. How do you get rid of that and have the page like the demo pro?

    please help.

    Thank you


    In reply to: Author bio display

    Hi Seiyukaras,

    Did you activate the co-author plugin also please provide us the url for co-author plugin so that we can check from our end.

    Thank you!


    In reply to: Page title wrapper


    Help! After I activated Attitude Pro, the background padding on my header expanded.
    A white line above the menu appeared.
    And, what I guess is the Title area, a band of dark appeared.

    How do I change all that and have it appear as I want it on all my pages?


    I had upgradedto Attitude Pro by paying the money and clicking on the image in Themes of Attitude Pro. Was that the way I should have activated, because now my site has extra lines and padding.


    Get a message I am not authorized. So my header, title of my website is gone. I have a lot of space above where the header image was and a dark horizontal line between menu and page image. Help!



    Activating Pro theme is very simple. It’s the same process you did for free one.
    Just follow this instruction to activate pro theme into your site.

    Thank you!


    Hi Support,

    I have deactivated all plugins and checked again, still the same problem. I also cleared chache after all my actions.


Viewing 15 results - 46 through 60 (of 323 total)