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Search Results for 'activate pro'

Viewing 15 results - 61 through 75 (of 323 total)
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  • #60506

    Never mind, it wasn’t the theme that was causing it. The culprit was the ShortPixel Image Optimizer plugin.

    It was altering the HTML markup in Final Tiles, so that the IMG tag was translated to PICTURE with a set of SOURCEs, so Final Tiles Gallery couldn’t find the images leading to errors. So it was not a CSS problem.

    I deactivated ShortPixel and now everything works. I needed this plugin when I was building the site, but now it’s fulfilled its mission.



    I’ve been using the Interface Pro theme for several years and I have never had any problems whatsoever.
    Now my hosting provider is upgrading its php-version from 5.6 to 7.1

    After upgrading to PHP 7.1, I can no longer acces my CMS backoffice. The front website is still visible, but I can no longer acces the CMS. I tried to deactivate all the plugins one by one. This doesn’t seem to be the problem. WordPress as well as the theme are fully updated.

    What to do?
    My website:

    Best regards,
    Eefke de Groot


    Hi @aoftrips

    It may be the problem with another plugin.
    Please deactivate the plugins one by one and check once and let us know

    Thank you!


    Hello! I would like to use a different (collapsible) menu on mobile using a separate plugin. I activated the plugin and both the theme mobile menu and the plugin mobile menu are displaying. I have tried a few CSS codes in attempts to hide the theme mobile plugin with no success. Are you able to provide CSS code to hide the theme mobile menu?

    Thanks so much!


    I have a problem with the pagination of the home page. In Home page, after the popular posts, the theme shows me all the blog articles making slow browsing and slow website. Plus he does not show me the right sidebar. What can I do? At the moment the website is not activated with the Newscard theme cause these problems…It’s like the page loads all the blog articles!


    Hi Thomas,

    You can easily directly update the free WordPress directory themes but for the premium themes which are not listed on WordPress directory you need to update it manually.
    To update the theme to the latest version first activate any other themes than delete the previous version of Interface Pro theme and then upload the new version of Interface Pro (.zip) file that you have downloaded on your computer and activate it.

    Note: If you have customize the theme main code then make sure first you backup it before deleting the previous version from your site.

    Thank you!


    In reply to: installation fail?


    WordPress shows that message if you are trying to upload the same theme that is currently activate into your site.
    Just activate any theme first and delete the Interface Pro theme from your theme directory and try uploading the new version of Interface Pro theme and then activate it.

    Note: Make sure that you backup the previous version of Interface Pro theme for safe side if something goes wrong but if there is no any customization in the theme code you can delete it without backup.

    Thank you!


    Hi Lisa,

    Just download the fresh copy of the theme and go to your WP dashboard then delete the old version of Attitude Pro theme if you have already installed otherwise just upload the fresh theme and activate it.

    Do not delete you child theme just delete the previous Attitude Pro theme. If you can not delete then first activate any other theme and try again.

    Thank you!



    Can you please share us your site where you have added the code so that we can see the problem. Also you can check it by deactivating the plugin one by one that you have activate into your site. It may be the plugin conflict as well.

    Thank you!


    Hi Marc,

    Seems like it’s a weird problem.
    Can you please deactivate all the activated plugins one by one. It may be conflict with some plugin.

    Thank you!


    Hi Kmoree,

    Apologies for the late reply.

    Let’s find out is this happening into your site only or not?

    First just browse this Ambition demo into your same laptop and browser are you having the same visual issue or not?

    Second Just activate any other theme (default WP theme would be best) and view it on the same environment. Are you having a same visual issue or not?

    Let us first know the result and we will follow up in the next process.

    Thank you!


    I’ve noticed Attitude needed to be updated about 2 or 3 times in the last month, but after this latest update, I’ve lost the navigation bar on the cell/mobile version that holds our menu (we don’t use the 3 bar upper right corner dropdown menu). You’ll notice on the desktop version, there is an orange bar where the menu is, but on the mobile version, that orange bar disappears. It was there before this last update.

    I deactivated all the plugins. I removed all customized css. The problem still exists. No menu links are showing on the mobile version in the orange bar. The orange bar disappears altogether.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    HI Antony,

    It’s a weird problem.
    How is it possible that the activate theme takes another non activate style.css and function.php.
    Did you solved the issue or not? If not let us know.

    Thank you!


    I installed Attitude theme. What is happening is that I cannot edit pages. When I try to Edit, the editor comes up but no content is visible. Nor can I switch to text mode. Another strange behavior is that I cannot add a new theme. This behavior only occurs with the Attitude. If I activate another theme it goes away. I like the theme and would like to get the Pro version but I need to get this problem solved. Can you help? Thank you.


    Hello, and thanks for your quick reply

    This is the URL

    I will temporarily activate the Pro version, so that you can see the problem.

    I will switch back to the free version after half an hour.

    Hope you can solve the mystery!

Viewing 15 results - 61 through 75 (of 323 total)