Ops!.. You are talking about that info.
Yes, that is the custom CSS option that we have added into our theme before WP added Additional CSS option into the core.
Is there any CSS code that you have added before you update the theme?
Also if you are talking about the menu then yes we have change some styles for menu for better user experience.
yes we had customized the CSS using Attitude Pro (old version) when we upgraded we got this new message that wont allow us to edit the CSS? How do I use this now with your new version? see link above showing screen shot of message in earlier message. Which file do I delete or change using FTP?
If you are talking about the old menu design than yes we have revamped the menu style in new version.
To get the same previous old menu style you have to downgrade the version of the theme which we do not recommended to do that.
All the plugins, themes and WP must be up to date for better security of your site. Also why you need old menu style? Is there any issue with the new one? Please let us know.