Hi webmaster.eservice,
1: Why not show me pictures on my homepage to my blog? I try Theme options-blog display type on home page – excerpt display type 2…still not working i dont know why..
==> Did you add featured image ? The featured image will be only displayed. You need to add featured image.
2: Is it possible to delete in comments the folder website? If yes where can i find this option
==>If you want to disable only certain page / post then go to particular page / post which you want to disable.
Click on screen options at right top of the page /post
Select the Discussion and comments so that it will display below the editor. You will be able to see like this.
Unselect both of them and it will not display the comment section.
3>Could you advice me with best forum plugin on my page.
==> I think bbpress is the best forum plugins.
4: How can i make more recent posts on my homepage..i have only 5 recent posts to show and i want about 15 is it possible?
==> go to dashboard -> setting -> reading
View this screenshot
hope this may help you
Thank you!