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Bug: display widgets in AMP – chrome or Safari

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  • #98624

    when using AMP>standard for the entire theme

    single, fixed widgets do not display properly on some smartphone browsers.

    eg this page
    displays correctly on desktop. I have set the right hand widget bar to only show a specific widget when this post is displayed. other widgets are also hidden.

    However newscard pro thinks the page is twice as wide as it is (maybe) when using safari on a smartphone or when using chrome on a smartphone (latest iOS).

    thus the rendered page is squashed into half the screen width. if the user changes to READER mode it’s fine…but then it would be!

    if i repeat the test for a page where zero widgets are shown in the right hand column it’s OK

    similarly if i chose a normal page like this one there are lots of widgets on the right hand column on desktop. on AMP mobile they are shown at the bottom of the page after the content which is what i normally expect.

    so. it’s just when i display a single fixed widget. i control its unique visibility with CATEGORY=REVIEW and TAG=LUMEN set in the widget properties.



    We have found an issue with your content which is creating the issue. There is a width issue in the table content. You have set the fixed width of ‘915’ in the table for “Lumen Technical Specifications”. Please wrap the table element with the below code and the issue will be fixed.

    <div class="table-responsive">
    (your table content here)



    ok ty, i prefer to use width=100%

    however when i switch to full AMP mode my ad system starts to display ads for subscribers

    in transitional it’s ok.

    not your problem i guess but these things should work consistently.

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