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Change colour and size of font, without changing anything else

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  • #43154

    I have recently purchased the pro version. I was a little disappointed that the text editor didn’t become somewhat richer. I was hoping to change font colours and size, at will.

    I want to continue to use the standard font set, but when I click the ‘bold’ button, I would like that particular text bit to appear a little larger, and I would like to change the colour.

    Can this be done?


    Hi admin29,

    To change the font size and font color Goto dashboard -> appearance -> theme options

    From there you can change the font family, font size, color options etc.

    Thank you!


    But that will change the entire font set. I only want the bold text to be bigger, and a different colour, while the rest of the text remains the same.


    Never mind… I dug trough the stylesheet and found the wrapper for the ‘strong’ text. I added the following:

    strong {
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #00aac2;

    Saved it, and now it looks like I wanted. Perhaps this was possible with the editor you pointed me to, but I wanted normal text to remain default grey.

    I’m new to WordPress, not new to coding.


    Hi there,

    The above css code is exactly correct for strong text but use it via custom css option rather then changing it directly from editor. Also it won’t change the gray color for other normal fonts.

    Thank you!

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