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Change the order of the social Icons/buttons

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  • #7245

    Is there a way to change the order of the social icons/buttons?


    Sanjip Shah

    @Flow There is no such feature within the theme. You will have to edit the code for this. You will need to make changes inside this function attitude_socialnetworks which is located inside the header-extensions.php file. You can change the order there, also after you make any changes there, click on the ‘Save all Changes’ button inside Appearance->Theme Options (this is just to delete the caching so that you can see the corresponding change after you change some code). Also make a child theme to make this changes so that you won’t lose the customization when you update the theme. If you are familiar with the programming knowledge you can try it else you will need to hire a developer to make this customization. Hope this helps.

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