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Changing Social Media Link Icons in Info Bar

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  • #19362


    I would like to change the look of the icons for Facebook, Twitter etc in the Info-Bar, and use my own version of the logos.

    However, I can’t find where the theme is calling these graphics from.

    Please could you tell me where to find the code the calls on the icons, so I can replace with my own image URLs?




    Hi joevenables,
    We are using the wordpress recommended generic icons. Its generic icons. So if you want to change then it needs code customisation so you need to hire a developer to fix the issue.We recommended not to change the code because if you change the code then while updating to our new version all your customisation code will be lost. So better make child theme and first unhook the functions and the edit the code.

    Thank you!



    I would like to modify the look of the icons for Facebook, Twitter etc in the Info-Bar,

    ONLY modify the icon
    NO change icon URL Link NO change icon file name
    Will this effect any problem on future upadates ?

    grettings from spain


    Hi info30,
    If you change anything in the core file then yes your all customisation code will be lost. So we recommended not to change the code. If you change then the same thing you need to do for each and every time.

    Thank you!

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