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Child theme update

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  • #6045

    Please, I need some guidance. I am new to the WordPress platform, I have some knowledge of HTML and CSS, but none for JS and PHP. I am developing a site using the Attitude Pro theme V1.2 and currently running on a localhost.

    I have added some plugins, and also added custom css (using the theme options) to reduce the theme header height. I then decided I should really be working in a child theme so created one following the WordPress codex, and activated it. I have added further plugins and more custom css.

    The guidance I need is in two parts –
    1. when the theme is upgraded will I lose the custom css I have entered?
    2. I am getting a message to tell me that I need to uprade the child theme to V1.3. The instructions tell me to download and extract V1.3 and to add the files to the “/wp-content/themes/attitude pro child folder overwriting the old ones”. My child theme is only a style.css sheet. It has no other files. Should I be installing the update in the child folder or the main Attitude Pro folder>

    Thanks for your help

    Sanjip Shah

    @proatthorseytheme13 Here goes the answer to your questions:
    1. If you have used the custom css option then your changes via custom css will still be there if you upgrade the theme. It is actually the correct way to add the css customization.
    2. We have released the upgrade of Attitude Pro version 1.3 yesterday. You can upgrade the Attitude Pro theme to version 1.3 and it should be fine. About the message ‘update the child theme to V1.3’ it is actually about the parent theme i.e. Attitude Pro. We will see on it and fix this in our updates. For you now, just upgrade the Attitude Pro theme to version 1.3 and there should not be any issue, also make backup of the theme before you upgrade as keeping a backup won’t do any harm and keep you sage. If there are some issue after updating then you can revert back to previous version. You can ask us if you have any issues and we will look into it.


    Thanks for the clarification Sanjip. Really like the way my website is developing using the Attitude Pro theme.


    Sanjip Shah

    @proatthorseytheme13 Okay. Great 🙂


    I’m trying to create a child theme using attitude-pro v1.3, but it keeps downloading attitude(free) v1.2.5 and using it instead. How do I create a child theme for your attitude-pro version? My child theme style.css contains:

    Theme Name: Attitude-Pro Child Theme
    Theme URI:
    Description: Attitude-Pro Child Theme
    Author: Theme Horse
    Author URI:
    Template: attitude
    Version: 1.3
    License: GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3)
    License URI:
    Tags: white, light, blue, one-column, two-columns, three-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, flexible-width, custom-menu, custom-background, custom-header, featured-images, full-width-template, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, sticky-post
    Text Domain: attitude


    /* =Theme customization starts here
    ——————————————————- */

    Sanjip Shah

    @lsclosets Replace Template: attitude with Template: attitude-pro as you are making child theme for attitude pro theme and not for attitude theme. Please visit this link as well. Note: Also, make a new topic when you ask a question so that it is easier for us to provide the support.

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