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Clean Retina Pro Child

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  • #13197

    Hi. I created a child folder that has only the file style.css in it.

    I just got a notice in my WordPress dashboard as follows:

    There is a new version of the Clean-Retina-Pro Child theme available. You have version installed. Update to version 1.5

    Update Download and Instructions
    Please note: make a backup of the Theme inside your WordPress installation folder/wp-content/themes/clean-retina-pro child
    To update the Theme, login to your account here, head over to your downloads section and re-download the theme like you did when you bought it.
    Extract the zip’s contents, look for the extracted theme folder, and after you have all the new files upload them using FTP to the /wp-content/themes/clean-retina-pro child folder overwriting the old ones (this is why it’s important to backup any changes you’ve made to the theme files ).

    If you didn’t make any changes to the theme files, you are free to overwrite them with the new ones without the risk of losing theme settings, pages, posts, etc, and backwards compatibility is guaranteed.

    Shouldn’t these updates go into the main theme folder and not the child folder?

    I put them in the main theme folder, but I still get a notice that my child theme should be updated.

    Can you help sort this out?


    Hi Patricia,
    Did you update the new version of theme ? At first update the new version of the theme and after that create a child theme and import the css from style.css delete the old version of your theme after upgrading to the new version.

    Hope your problem will be solved.

    Thank you!


    Sorry, I tried this twice … completely removed the theme and reinstalled. Still get the message.

    Here is what’s in my style.css file:

    Template: clean-retina-pro-child


    Is this reference correct?


    Hi Patricia,
    Yes that is correct. Your clean retina pro theme must be updated
    Use it

     Theme Name:   Clean Retina Pro Child
     Theme URI:
     Description:  Theme Horse Child Theme
     Author:       Sunil Jung Chhetri
     Author URI:
     Version:      1.0.0
     Tags:         light, dark, two-columns, right-sidebar, responsive-layout, accessibility-ready
     Text Domain:  clean-retina-child
    @import url("../clean-retina-pro/style.css");
    /* =Theme customization starts here
    -------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

    Thank you!


    Thank you!


    You welcome Patricia,

    Thank you!

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