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Conflicts between Ambition Pro and My Calendar plug in

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  • #50972

    I was wondering if you have noticed any conflicts between Ambition Pro and the MyCalendar WordPress plug in.
    I use MyCalendar on our site and there appears to be a problem when the site using the “upcoming events” widget in the sidebar is rendered on a small screen. The lines of text have returns in them and display only about 12 characters wide on my iPhone screen. For that matter, the text of the home page also seems to be displayed in maximum lines of about 25 characters, just over half the width of my cell phone screen.



    Hi Jeffrey,

    Please contact to the main plugin author. We cannot give support for the plugin that you are using in our theme.

    Thank you!


    I’m not sure this is an issue with the plug in. Is there a way I can attach an image of how the text from the home page displays on the iPhone screen? … I think the theme is not properly responding to the screen size.


    Hi Jeffrey,
    Sorry we misunderstood. We are thinking about the Calander in main content area.
    You have added custom css for sidebars width 31%. so its conflict with our responsive css. To make the sidebar width 100% in mobile devices.
    Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Ambition theme options -> Custom CSS paste the below CSS code and Click on Save & Publish button at the top of the options panel.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px){
      #secondary {
         width:100% !important;

    Thank you


    Thank you very much. That fixed the problem.


    You welcome Jeffrey

    Thank you

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