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Creating child themes

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  • #2965

    Hi there –

    There is quite a bit of customisation in our site so I would like to use a child theme so that we don’t lose the changes, however when I create a child theme I just get two files: stylesheet.css and rtl.css. The contents of these css files just reference other files, so I’ve had to go into the parent theme files to make any edits.

    I’ve tried a couple of child theme creator plugins and keep getting the same result.

    I’ve noticed that there is a new update for the theme and I’m worried that installing it will wipe out the edits I’ve done.

    Can you advise on where I’m going wrong and how I can create a child theme so that I won’t lose my edits?


    Rabin Shrestha

    Hi lisa,

    If you had made changes directly to the parent theme, yes your changes will be lost when you update the theme. If you are making simple CSS changes you can use custom css box in our theme options panel to paste your css. Also the minimum requirement for a creating child theme is a style.css In the child style.css you can write css that you would like to override of parent.

    For changing the php code you have to create the functions.php in your child theme then unhook the particular function of parent theme and hook your function with the changes.

    For more detail have a look here



    I think I will have to do some studying up on php and css to understand how to do that. I am very new to all of this!



    Rabin Shrestha

    I know you will figure it out. There are plenty of free tutorials that you can google for child themes. 🙂

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