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Cropped image in posts

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  • #68261
    Michel STOUPAK

    Hi, height of all featured images in the posts are cropped.

    I have regenerated all images with a plugin but nothing can be done.

    The relevant website :



    Hi @michel-stoupak,

    Actually the images are not cropped. To make the consistency in theme design and layout we have used the featured images as a background images with the certain height which are responsive to any screen sizes.


    Michel STOUPAK

    Hi, thank you for your quick reply.
    Is it possible to customize this height with a css code ?


    Yes it’s possible. In which section or parts you want to change the height? It will be easy only for the featured images on post/page single but pretty hard for us to provide for the ‘Front page template’ because we have used the height in a percent so that it can be fit responsively to any of the screen sizes. And the percent of height is not same for some sections on Front Page Template.


    Michel STOUPAK

    Hi, thank you for your response.

    I am a photographer and I need my images appear in their integrity (height and width) but only for featured images on posts, not the front page or other pages.

    Thank you for your help.


    Sorry actually we have used image as a background so we need to set some height otherwise it wont work and we think your images won’t have the same height all the time.

    But as a solution you can hide the featured images on post and pages from Appearance > Customize > NewsCard Pro Settings and then you can manually add images by using ‘Image’ the Features of Gutenberg under Common Blocks from left top of the page/post editor.


    Michel STOUPAK

    I are correct : I use several cameras that produces different image heights.

    I’ll take your advice for using “Image”.

    Thank you for your support.


    Welcome anytime @michel-stoupak
    If you have any problem do not hesitate to contact us.

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