Just bought another Attitude Pro! This time for my client courtlandridgeapartments.com. I’m using the recommended image size for the header, and my header art is a high-quality jpg, but the image looks fuzzy. The image looks fine on the custom header upload page. Can you take a look? I’m having the same issue on another site as well.
Hi Trica
We have designed our theme in this way. You can edit you image from Photoshop and can use for the logo. You want to use this image for this as header image or for logo. WE Recommend you to use our recommend size.
Yes, I am using your recommended size of 1038px x 250px. I created the logo in IllustratorCC, and converted it to a .png, which usually works just fine. The image looks crisp & clear on the Attitude Pro custom header (upload page), but then after the image is uploaded to the header section it looks as if it’s being magnified to make it fuzzy. I even tried to use a high-resolution jpeg instead, but the jpeg was just as fuzzy.
Adobe IllustratorCC forum participants helped me figure out the problem. In Illustrator .png-24 files must be saved “type optimized” instead of art optimized to prevent an anti-alias problem with text.
Anyway, I’m posting this in case someone else runs into the same issue.