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Date in post

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  • #93458
    Juan Podesta

    I want to remove the date in the posts or entries on the main page (home).
    But I want that if they are shown when the visitor enters the news.

    I would be very grateful if you could give me a solution.Thank you


    Hi Juan Podesta,

    Please go to ‘Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS’ and paste the below custom CSS code.

    .logged-in.home .entry-meta .date {
    	display: none;


    Juan Podesta

    Thank you.
    I was exploring some blogs and this helped me:

    .page-id-355 .entry-meta { display:none !important; }

    I also tried placing all the justified text via this code:

    .entry-content {
    text-align: justify;
    .pt-cv-readmore {
        color: white !important;
        background-color: #c80000 !important;
        border: none !important;

    But the news excerpt from the front page justifies me, and I just want the justified text to be seen only on the individual news.

    Could you provide me with some code for this? Thank you


    Hi sir,

    We are sorry. Our Support Team missed your queries.

    Yes could you please remove the previous code of ‘entry-content’ and paste the below Custom CSS code to justify only on post/page single.

    body.single .entry-content {
    	text-align: justify;


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