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Embedding youtube video on post breaks layout

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  • #65923

    I want to embed youtube videos on my post.
    But the layout breaks (video is overlapping the main container)
    see screenshot at :
    please fix the layout


    Hi @trevi,

    There will be the certain height and width set in the embed code. So if you directly use the embed code then the video will overflow from its parent wrapper. You have to wrap the embed code with the class element “embed-responsive” & “embed-responsive-16by9”. So please use the below code to make the video responsive.

    <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
      (Paste your embedded code here)

    Please paste the embedded code as mentioned above
    If you have updated the WordPress version 5.0+ then you can easily embed the youtube video by using the WP Gutenberg Block feature for embedding youtube video under the Embeds Tabs. (you can add the blocks by clicking ‘+’ icon at the left top of your post editor)

    Thank you!


    Hi, thank you for your prompt solution. It works.

    I’ve another issue that has not been solved, regarding bilingual content.
    How to change the widget title accordingly to the available language (translation)?
    I’ve tried to set it on the customise theme options, set it on each available language, but no luck.

    Thank you


    Could you please tell us which plugin you are using for multilingual translate?? You have to track the strings (Titles) for widget titles through settings and the settings and procedures might be different for different plugins.


    Hi, I’m using polylang plugins,


    There’s another user that facing the same problem regarding translation


    Hi, any update on this?


    Hello @trevi,

    Theme translation and multilingual are different features. You can easily translate the theme in any one language at a time however for multilingual its a new feature to add in the theme and our developers are working on it and will be released soon.

    Thank you for your patience and suggestion to add a multilingual feature in the theme.



    We have completed the next version update.
    Before we release it can you please test the beta version from your end for multilingual. Just request the beta version here and our team will provide you the new version of the theme.

    Thank you for your patience.

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