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fatal Erros

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  • #72068
    Edson Araujo Filho

    Hi. I’m trying install the MagCast theme from Theme Horse and I receive messagens like this: Fatal error: Call to undefined method WP_Customize_Manager::register_section_type() in /home/acijesuitas/www/wp-content/themes/magcast/inc/functions/customizer.php on line 637

    But, I’m use the same php (5.6) version and wordpress version (3.5) version that a I have use in others installations and it works.

    If I open the file indicated in the message it’s rigth.

    What could be?



    Hi @edsonjfilho,

    We and our customers are using the same theme and none of our users have report such issue in the theme. Could you please check deactivating all the plugins one by one? Also could you please share us the login credentials of the site where you have those issue so that we can check from our side. You can share your login credential via email here.
    Do not share any login credential here in this forum as this forum is public and visible to everybody.

    Thank you!


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