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featured image size issue

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  • #16843

    hello, just a question : why featured images on the pages are resized to a max width of 670px while the page itself is 708px large (indepently of the layout option (narrow, wide etc.) I choose)?
    can I change it somewhere to have my image & my page aligned to a unique width ?

    image of the 38px (37px?) difference :

    best regards


    Hi moggone,
    If you want to change the size of the image then you need code customization for it. We recommended not to change the code because if you change the code then while updating to our new version all your customisation code will be lost.

    Just go to the theme folder -> functions.php

    Can you see this ?

    	// Add Interface custom image sizes
    	add_image_size( 'featured', 670, 300, true );

    You change the size into any size you want. The above add_image_size cuts the image in 670 * 300 px. But every time you update to our theme you need to change the size of image.

    Thank You!


    thank you very much but I’ve finally succeeded in to change the width of my page to 670px, I don’t realy know how (maybe in site options > layout optons menu). anyway, everything is ok now…


    Ok that’s great moggone

    Thank you!


    Hello, I am also looking for a way to make the featured images look better on post pages, basically I just need to set the cropping more specifically.

    I tried your solution above by pasting the following modified code into my child theme functions.php:

    	// Add Interface custom image sizes
    	add_image_size( 'featured', 670, 300, array( 'left', 'top' ) );

    however a new featured image crop was not created. I thought it might only work on images uploaded after changing the setting, however new images are also not cropped.

    Any suggestions how to do this? Thanks.


    Well, no sooner than I ask, I figure it out… I forgot to wrap the add_image_size in a function and make sure it fires after the priority that is set on the function that created the original featured image size.

    	// Custom cropping on Interface featured image
    	add_action( 'interface_init', 'override_featured_image', 30 );
    	function override_featured_image() {
    	add_image_size( 'featured', 670, 300, array( 'left', 'top' ) );

    Ok that’s great spectrum_7

    Thank you!


    Em also finding solution for Feature images and try to implement on


    Hi ericsteve85,
    I just visited to your site and this is not our theme. So please post your topic on related forum author.

    Thank you!

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