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Featured imgae caption

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  • #77410

    Hey, i have 2 problems with the theme:

    1. Im trying to put a credit to my featured image, and it dosent work. i tryied also some plugins; its also have a problems with accessibility for people with disabilities.

    2. I find a problems with embded videos from youtube. in the website (the large size video) match exactly the theme, but on mobile its too big, and the small ones are too small for the website, but exactly for the mobile.

    Thank you.


    I forgot to send a link to the site:


    Hi @anataev,

    – Sorry you cannot show captions on featured image, Captions can only be shown on Page contents images.
    – For youtube Video, there will be the certain height and width set in the embed code. So if you directly use the embed code then the video will overflow from its parent wrapper. You have to wrap the embed code with the class element ’embed-responsive’ & ’embed-responsive-16by9′. So Please wrap the embedded code with the class ’embed-responsive’ and ’embed-responsive-16by9′.


    <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
      (Paste your embedded code here)

    Please paste the embedded code as mentioned above.
    If you are using the WordPress 5+ then you can use the Embeds Block Features of Gutenberg on the page/post editor page which will be very easy to use the embedded code with out any HTML code customization.

    Thank you!

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