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Footer Widget area

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  • #45712

    The footer widget area has 4 columns, but when you add content to those columns, it adds it vertically as opposed to horizontally. Why have 4 columns when you can add multiple widgets to one column and achieve the same effect. Is it possible to change the columns to align horizontally so that if I put something in column 1 and something else in column 2, they align side-by-side?


    Hi Sam,

    If we shows the widgets horizontally within one column than there will be unwanted gap between widgets if you add more than 4 widgets. So to reduce the gap we created 4 column sidebars for the footer. If you need to display a widget in horizontal row you can add one widget to all 4 columns.

    Thank you!


    The issue is that they all display vertically, no matter which way you enter them. I tried putting 4 in, one in each column, to see if it would jump to a horizontal alignment, but it stays vertical. Is there a piece of CSS code that I add/edit to make it work properly?


    Hi Sam,

    If you have put any one widget in all four column(footer sidebars) and still it display as vertically then please provide us your site URL? So that we can see the exact issue.

    Thank you!


    I have no idea why, but today when I went to go add them so I could send you the link, it worked as it’s suppose to. Go figure.

    Thanks for the help though, I appreciate it!



    Great! If you got any issue then let us know.

    Thank you!

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