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Google Authorship

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  • #3504

    I’ve done everything Google says to have my photo show up next to my blog posts and a link to my Google+ account on my blog posts that are found on Google searches, but even though Google has verified me, this is not happening. My blog posts just show up as links to the permalink. Even my old, crappy theme allowed this to work.

    Google tells me that the rel=author markup is working, that authorship is working. The only thing that isn’t is “Page does not contain publisher markup.” Any suggestions? What can I do in my blog admin to make this work?

    Rabin Shrestha

    Hi gassho,

    I don’t think there is any thing in blog admin that can help you with this. This seems to be more of a plugin territory. Probably some plugin should be there to fulfill your need.



    Okay but Google says as long there’s “By Joe Smith” it will link your photo and Google+ page to your post that shows up in their search. Your theme and I think all themes do provide the author. So I was wondering why it may not be recognized. I’ll look for a plugin too…

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