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Help needed, urgently :)

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  • #44310

    I was doing last minute changes to texts (Pages) before launching the site today. I launched (sent the emails) an now I see that the front page is misbehaving.
    There are four headings in the Business Page Sidebar/Services, but they are not aligned like they have been from the beginning. The Translation Page has been the lower left Page and Ars, Culture the lower right.
    I am certain I have done something wrong along the way, at this last minute, of course, but cannot seem to figure out what. I have removed the four, put them in again. The two top ones stay correct, but after that, there is something wrong.
    I do hope that you can help me, please.


    PS – seems to work fine when viewing on iPad and iPhone.


    Hi Gudrun,

    Could you please provide us the site URL? So that we can see the exact issue.

    Thank you!


    I am sorry, thought that was “buried” in the info about the user….


    Hi Gudrun,

    You have made three column to two column so you have to add below Custom CSS too. To add the custom CSS code please Go to Appearance -> Customize/Theme Options -> Design Options Tab -> Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save button:

    .clearfix-half {
        clear: both;

    Thank you!


    .widget_service .one-third {
    width: 47%;
    .clearfix-half {
    clear: both;
    Looking like this now, but problem not solved.
    Sorry.. ..


    I used
    .widget_service .one-third {
    width: 47%;
    .clearfix-fourth {
    clear: none;
    that solved the problem, or at least it looks like I wanted it to know
    Thank you!


    grrr, I am sorry, it worked and then went back to the same look
    I really wonder what has gone wrong here
    I had not been in there since you helped me out a week ago


    Hi Gudrun,
    Please remove all your custom css and add below one

    .widget_service .one-third {
        width: 47%;
    .widget_service .clearfix-half {
        clear: both;
    .widget_service .clearfix-third,
    .widget_service .clearfix-fourth {
        clear: none;

    Thank you!


    Thank you!
    Where do I send the flowers?


    Hi Gudrun,

    Could you also please help us rating this theme in WordPress Repository.
    We really appreciate your rating.

    Thank you!


    I can’t seem to be able to create a new thread, so I start by using an old one.
    I am trying to make some changes, having a bit of difficulty with the PromoBox. I see that you, on your demo have the click-link on the left side. How can I change this in the PromoBox I have put on the site.
    And. Is there a way to put a simple banner on the front page, without any content? Instead of the PromoBox I have there now. Simply to make a divider between the “Services” and the PromoBox.
    Thank you!


    Hi @ecspm

    Just login to your admin site and go to Appearance > Customize > Advanced Options > Home Slogan Options there you can see the field for redirect button text and redirect button link to show the button same like our demo site.
    And Can you please clarify what kind of banner you are talking to set instead of the PromoBox?

    Thank you!


    Thank you! I know the box and have used it, I wanted to find out how to put the button on the far right, in the box, not under the text. Maybe the text has to be shorter?? Have not tried that.
    And, I was thinking of a clean/empty banner, just filled with colour, that I could place ABOVE the Discussion Forum, not below.
    I know, these questions might have very simple answers, but I have tried different things, without luck.

    Thank you again, much appreciated!

    I want to mention, that since I put the question above in the forum, on January 30th, I have had quite a few offers from individuals, offering help with the webpage, professional offers. A shame if people are using the forum to look for business and then “spam” us who use the forum for questions.


    Hi Gudrun,

    Sorry, We are still not getting what you are trying to do for button.
    Button is already at the right section and not under any text. Can you please share us the screenshot what you need exactly?

    For the banner you can use Custom HTML Widget and add some html code.

    And yes some human (not machine) are using forum for their business and spamming our forum.
    Can you please clarify how you have been offered, via email or from this forum topic notifications?

    Thank you!

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