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How to add adsense banner inside all single posts

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  • #69584


    I would like to insert adsense ads inside all single posts just after the content and before the comments. I tried by modifying the single.php but I was not able to place the ad in that location without destroying everything.

    Could you please help me?

    Thanks in advance!


    Hi there,

    Yes you need to customize the single.php file. Can you please clarify what you have modify?

    Thank you!



    Basically, what I would like to do is to place the Adsense banner just at the end of the text of the post and before the tags. I tried different locations in the single.php but I couldn´t get that. Do you know if it is possible?


    Hi @esther-samper-martinez

    Just go to theme directory and go to template-parts directory and open the file content.php and go to line no:88 then paste your Adsense code before line no:88 you will see below line of code:

    <div class="entry-content">
        <?php the_content(); ?>
    </div><!-- .entry-content -->

    Thank you!


    ¡Thanks a lot! That’s exactly what I need it 🙂


    Welcome anytime @esther-samper-martinez

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