In the demo next to the text “Hi, I’m James Smith a Freelance UI / UX Designer / Developer from NY.” is a photo of a guy. How do I add an image there? I can’t seem to figure it out.
To set the social profiles just go to Appearance > Customize > Social Profiles and add the full link to your Social Profiles in the textarea field. Separate each Social Profile link with comma.
And for 12 post below the introduction just edit your posts and set featured image into your post.
My question is below introduction os James Smith paragraph at homepage. How can I set up it on homepage? I set featured image but it only show on Blog Page, not on homapage.
If I set a new post, and it will show on homepage. How can I edit the amount of letter as introdution of this post. Because I have plan to set a different introdution for each post, but I recognize it alway show 80 first letter of each post like a introdution.
How can I set introdution of each post with first paragraph of that post.
You can not set the content for post Grid view. However, you can change it if you have set the post layout to List via Customize > Layout > Post Layout Just add the excerpt content by editing your post.