How to change the background color, only for one widget container in the homepage : widget service
I wrote in custom css :
.widget_service {
background: rgb(220, 232, 228);
but this is not the result I’m looking for.
I expect a full background color under widget service, like the slogan widget’s one.
Looking at the structur, I found no container full wight of the div.wrapper and height only as the widget_service.
Is it possible to put the widget_service in another one full background color, like widget_slogan. And then, how to set this one with a different background color of the first widget slogan ?
Because I have set the widget slogan like this :
.slogan-wrap {
background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(241, 241, 241);
.slogan-wrap .slogan {
color: rgb(231, 81, 30);
Is it an other way for the widget_service color background?
Edit: I posted in the wrong place, my question is about attitude premium
Thanks for your help