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How to delete “replies” in bbpress

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  • #78310

    Hi there!
    I am currently working on a website which uses the beautiful “Inc” theme and bbpress. I want to make it possible for people to make posts which others can reply “privatly” to. I made all of that possible with plugins and other things, but one things I have a problem with is that there is still the “reply to post” option. Is it possible to delete or hide it, so that people cannot reply publicly below the post? The website is, and a good example here is

    To see the reply field, you maybe have to be logged into a wordpress account.
    Thank you so much!


    Hi Vincent,

    Just login to your Dashboard and go to Settings > Forums there you will see Anonymous option under Forum User Settings where you can uncheck the box to stop guest users to create topics and replies without creating/login to your site.

    Thank you!


    Was looking for this option. Does it actually work?


    Hi @gloriawildburn

    Which option you are talking about? Can you. please clarify?

    Thank you!

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