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How to remove page titles

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  • #22826

    Is there a way to remove page titles? I have tried some plugins, but they haven’t seemed to work.


    Hi thecedarsrc,

    You can use custom css . In the dashboard, go to Appearance->Theme Options->Design Options Tab->Custom CSS. Paste the following css and click on ‘Save all Changes’.

    display:none !important;

    Thank you!


    Thanks for the tip, it did work; however, it also removes titles from my posts on the blog page. Any way to remove page titles and keep the post titles?


    hi thecedarsrc,

    Could you once provide your site url too. So that it we may provide you the actual css.

    Thank you!


    Hi thecedarsrc

    So you want to hide the title of the pages only.
    Go to Appearance->Theme Options->Design Options Tab->Custom CSS.
    Paste the following CSS code and click on ‘Save all Changes’ button.

    .page .entry-title {

    Thank you!

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