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I would like to customize Gallery as follows.

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  • #7648

    I would like to customize Gallery as follows.

    1. I would like to make aspect ratio of featured image(Gallery) the same as the aspect ratio of the image.

    2. I would like to spread the featured images without any gaps in Pinterest-like, if possible.
    (with Masonry(jQuery)?)

    3. In addition to 2,3,4 column, I would like to create options 5,6 column.

    4. I would like to perform all of change of these by creating a child theme.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    ※ I am not good at English. I am glad when I can have an answer or an advice in simple English.
    ※ I am a beginner about WordPress.
    ※ I understand HTML/CSS to some extent.
    ※ I can use jQuery.

    ** Japanese ******************************************************************

    1.featured image(Gallery)のアスペクト比を画像のアスペクト比と同じにしたい。


    Sanjip Shah

    @Yasushi Hi, we provide simple css tweaks in our support. As your request needs lots of coding and css customization, you will need to hire a developer for this. However, I would suggest you to use some plugins for this as there are many such plugins and it could provide lot of flexibility as well. For start you can use this, however you can search for other plugins as well as per your need.


    Hi, Sanjip
    Using the plug-in that you have introduced me, my question(1&2) is likely to solve.
    Thank you for your advice 🙂

    Sanjip Shah

    @Yasushi Okay. Great!

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